How many lunches?
Which Stock?
Christmas week I invested my $15.00 in Kohls and got .3043 shares. New Year's week I invested $10.00 in VF Corporation but the transaction has not been completed.
Am I making money?
I have invested $155.00 dollars, and the current value is $153.06.
You can see my whole Loyal3 Lunch portfolio by clinking the link at the top of the page.
You can see my whole Loyal3 Lunch portfolio by clinking the link at the top of the page.
Year End Comments:
Little bad habits can end up costing big money. As I said when I started this series, most of my lunches "out" were going down to the mediocre lunch counter in my office building. Getting lunch there is fast and convenient, and it doesn't taste bad. On the other hand, dropping $10.00 per day isn't unusual. Giving up that lunch means taking a few minutes in the morning to grab leftovers from the fridge or remembering to ask my husband, who does the grocery shopping, to pick up Lean Cuisine.
Do you have a bad financial habit you need to break? Would directing a certain sum of money toward a goal you have (whether that goal is a stock portfolio, a Coach bag or a trip to somewhere fun) help you break that habit?
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