
Sunday, May 10, 2015

For Where Your Treasure Is, There Will Your Heart Be

One thing I treasure is children.  They are precious because they are made in the image and likeness of God.  They are the future of our society and one thing  you realize as you grow older is how soon these little ones grow up.  Another thing you learn as a adult is how schools serving the poor are often schools with high needs and limited budgets.  Teachers have good ideas about how to reach the students but there are no funds available in the local budget to implement these ideas.   School systems are starting to hire grant writers who put together packages to compete for corporate or chartiable grants worth tens of thousands of dollars to cover large-scale implementation of programs or technology upgrades.  Still, many of the things teachers want to implement do not cost thousands of dollars; only hundreds--a sum most teachers are  unwilling to cover out of their own pockets (and I'm certainly not suggesting that they SHOULD) but not enough to make most grant programs worthwhile.

That is where comes in.  It is an on-line crowd-funding source for public school teachers.  Teachers tell potential donors what they want for their classrooms and what it will cost.  Donors can choose projects to support and how much to give.  While my daughter is not in public school I have given small donations to a couple of projects from local schools that caught my eye.  Like most other people, I have questioned how well local schools spend money.  The beauty of Donors Choose is that I can decide whether I think the project is worthwhile before supporting it.  If I think it is a waste of money, I move on to the next request.  Join me in supporting worthwhile projects to help the next generation.

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